Why care about the air you breathe?
Why care about the air you breathe?
Air is vital to all living things on our planet, and yet more often than not we take it for granted. But just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a huge impact on our health. Not surprising really, when the average adult breathes around 11,000 liters of air every day.

Air pollution affects your health
So, what’s the solution?
A healthy dose of knowledge

Air pollution
Air pollution is the contamination of the air due to the presence of toxic chemicals or compounds that are harmful...

Bacteria and Germs
Germs are microbes including bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi that cause illness and infections if they enter our bodies. They’re...

Pollen and allergies
Allergies are your body’s overreaction to substances in the environment that are harmless to most people. The substances that cause...

Smoke and wildfires
Wildfires can occur naturally, ignited by the sun’s heat or a lightning strike, or they can be caused by careless...

Respiratory diseases
The lungs are the primary organ in the respiratory system, a group of organs and tissues that allow you to...

Working environment
For workers in certain professions, it’s essential to take measures to protect the lungs against fine dust, fumes, and chemical...
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