
The 3 myths about air pollution

The 3 myths about air pollution

Air pollution unveiled 

We all know that air pollution is harmful to both the environment and the people who breathe it. National Geographic recently created a video highlighting the 3 myths about air pollution, and we have summarized it below.

“Breathing dirty air only affects the lungs”

The PM2.5 air pollution particles are incredibly small and can reach your lungs, affecting all organs throughout your body. These fine particles, often called 'fine particulate matter,' have the ability to stay suspended in the air for a long time and to be inhaled deeply into your respiratory system.

“Air pollution is only a problem in big cities”

Air respects no boundaries or city limits, carrying tiny particles over great distances. These pollutants, tied mainly to burning substances like oil, wood, and garbage, also include unexpected contributions from agriculture. As a result, the air carries different things far away from where they started.

“Cleaning up air pollution is too complicated and expensive”

The discussion about reducing air pollution often fixates on costs. However, it frequently overlooks the fact that the economic benefits of clean air far outweigh the expenses. These benefits are evident in improved public health, increased productivity, and longer lifespans. Successful examples of innovative regulations, like the US Clean Air Act, along with evidence from various innovative initiatives, demonstrate that addressing this challenge is feasible. Effective strategies are known, and science-based regulations that prioritize public health have a proven track record of success.

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