
It’s a wrap. Reflections from the founder, and a glimpse into the future.

It’s a wrap. Reflections from the founder, and a glimpse into the future.


Let’s start by looking at our purpose, our mission. I founded Airinum back in 2015, after traveling around the world and witnessing how climate change started to impact not only our planet but also our health. My goal was to create an aspirational brand that linked people together to fight for a better future, addressing both health and climate issues. One of the most severe threats, killing millions, was the invisible ticking health bomb of air pollution. So, we set out to create solutions to help people not only survive but thrive in environments that were polluted and toxic. As the company and brand began to take shape, we formed a two-fold mission: to empower people with health-tech solutions to improve quality of life, and to raise awareness about climate change.


Now, 8 years later, we have come far, but our quest is more important than ever. We have created some of the best masks on the planet to help people take charge of what they breathe. These masks are not just products to guard against air pollution, smoke, allergens, bacteria/viruses, and much more; they are also symbols for change. Although mask-wearing has become a divisive issue as a side-effect of Covid, I’m proud of our large community of customers who care and want to be part of changing the world for the better.


2023 brought its own set of challenges, making life even harder for most people around the world. The economic collapse of 2022, marked by increased interest rates and inflation, led to less disposable income for goods and services throughout 2023. Additionally, the world has witnessed a global democratic recession, with a continued decline in global freedom and democracy. The horrific wars currently happening, resulting in the daily loss of innocent lives including children, are a stark contrast to the advancements of our modern world. Our thoughts are with everyone affected, regardless of nationality or religion.


On the bright side, the USA officially declared the COVID-19 pandemic over on May 11, 2023, leading to the end of federal vaccine mandates. This acknowledgment came with the understanding that the virus won’t simply go away but will continue to evolve and mutate, necessitating ongoing health precautions, especially for sensitive groups. A positive outcome of the pandemic is the heightened global health awareness and action on issues including pandemic preparedness and health equity.


Technology continues to evolve, paving new ways to track health and well-being. Data-tracking, health metrics, and overall analysis of well-being are now accessible right from everyone's pocket. Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing, particularly in areas like natural language processing and automation, such as ChatGPT and similar services, will become increasingly prominent in 2024. My unwavering belief is that innovation and technology can be powerful forces for positive change in our world, while maintaining a strong ethical compass as technology/AI becomes more intertwined with society and deep human values.


However, I don’t believe AI will solve all problems in the short term, especially not the climate crisis. The post-pandemic year of 2023 brought the climate debate back on the agenda, a crucial development. While it might be disturbing information, more people die from climate-related health perils than from the pandemic. Yes, it’s horrific data, but it’s the truth, and it needs urgent attention. Therefore, we can be quite grateful for the outcome of COP28, where a growing global consensus on the urgency of climate action and the need for substantive steps to mitigate climate change emerged. For the first time, it was clearly stated that the world should transition away from fossil fuels and other energy sources that directly contribute to more emissions. Many of us had hoped for even more drastic climate measures and ambitious goals. There are major challenges ahead, particularly in terms of financing, technological viability in carbon reduction, and international cooperation. Let’s stay hopeful and ambitious, as the odds have already improved for humanity.


So, what’s Airinum’s role for 2024 and the future? Well, admittedly, Covid slowed down our expansion plans and kept us busy perfecting our mask range. Now, we are starting to turn some knobs to propel us forward into new solutions that can have tremendous health benefits and improve longevity. We never intended to be just a 'mask company'; as our vision entails, we are here to offer solutions that empower people’s physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. To be even more specific, we know that avoiding diseases, slowing aging, enhancing beauty, and elevating health to a new level are key. This involves filtering out pollution and toxic chemicals from our bodies. We are excited about new purification technologies that can make a real difference in immediate health and longevity. Around the corner, in the first part of next year, we will launch a new product we have been working on for years, and we hope the world will love it. We will need our community's help to get the product out, spreading the message about the need for cleaner air and a cleaner future for our planet.


As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome 2024, let's do so with optimism and excitement. Your support and participation in our community have been invaluable. Here's to making sustainable choices for a healthier, brighter future.


Cheers to a promising 2024 from the entire Airinum team!


Alexander Hjertström,
Founder of Airinum


Here is a short clip that makes it easy to understand the importance of creating a clean environment and its direct links to health, well-being and longevity:


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